
Archive for December, 2010

Really glad that I’ve chosen to come back Yew Tee for a 2 nights stayover. Though it’s merely 48hours. From eating KFC&chicken rice in the living room to having lunch at Jurong West with my Dad, Mum and Bro, I feel so FORTUNATE. That’s the life I’ve always wanted. Have meals together everyday, watch TV together, go out together. I’m satisfied with this 2 days of time spent with my family. Looking to more of it during New Year šŸ™‚

To those out there who don’t find any importance in your family, I urge you to cherish them. Life’s short. Ur loved ones may just leave you unexpectedly for I know of a friend whose loved one just left in the middle of a holiday vacation a few days ago. I don’t know how to emphasize this much more but your family is where God placed you in. No matter how many hurts they may give you, how many discouragements and disappointments they may have put onto you, they still love and care for you, God still hopes that you treasure this earthly family that he has blessed you with.

3 days ago during X’mas service, I just returned from sending my aunt to Hopekids to fetch her kids. When I returned to the hall, it was just nice Altar Call. I stood beside the MM booth praying and worshipping and God just dropped this deep conviction within me that there will be this fine day when I will walk down the aisle with my family. Dad, mum, bro, cousins, uncles and aunts. These totally melted my heart as God assured me of the joy and satisfaction I would get on that very day.

These 2 verses, credits to Misha who helped me find them, are what I’m going to claim by faith.

Acts 11:14

He will bring you a message through which you and your household will be saved.’

Acts 16:31

They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household.”‘

Indeed, we as children when we know God(it’s already a privilege to know God in our teens) and live out the life God intended for us to live, our parents and relatives will definitely see the change in us. But first of all, we need to be convicted to be transformed by God and determined to do so. I cannot say that I’m fully convicted to but what I can say is that I WILL DO MY VERY BEST to live out Christ in me. It’s tough, especially in this world where everyone just talks back and shout at everyone in the family like nobody’s business and in this world where people just abandon their family for own gains, I want to be the one standing out, to shine.

Lord, help me to be the person you want me to be. I know there will be times when I fail you but Lord, help me to learn from my mistakes, regain my conviction and stand up again everytime I fall. I know that all the tears and sweat I’ve put into your kingdom are never put to waste. Grow me mature me. In Jesus’ Almighty Name, I pray a Victorious prayer, AMEN!

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Just got back from Taiwan on Monday and through the trip, God really blessed my family a lot!

Weather forecast predicted that almost everyday would rain but by God’s grace, in our 8days trip, it only rained 1day! Isn’t that amazing? Haha. It’s also a new experience for me to do QT in the toilet! Never done that before in my life. Every morning, I would wake up 20mins early than my aunt and I would go into the toilet to meet God. Haha. AnotherĀ unforgettableĀ thing is the FOOD! My favourite was the ē‚øē‰›å„¶ and å¤§č‚ åŒ…å°č‚ . šŸ˜€

Christmas is coming and this year, I’m really exceptionally looking forward to it cause I’M GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE! Feel really privilege and grateful that God is using me to do His awesome will. Christmas also means X’mas cards. I’ve got a whole lot list of names and I’d better start writing the cards soon or else I will never be able to finish them.

I’m looking forward to a meal with my parents, brother and aunt because my brother is going to treat us! Haha, with his hard earned money from SELLING ICE CREAM. Quite funny but I really appreciate his thought. šŸ™‚

Even though I may not be in my best condition spiritually and physically now, I believe that as I continue to seek God andĀ exercise, things are gonna become better. Shall always look on the bright side! šŸ˜€

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